W przeciwieństwie do ludzi, zwierzęta nie mogą powiedzieć lekarzowi, co czują. To może sprawić, że bardzo trudne dla weterynarzy jest znalezienie problemów klinicznych u zwierząt „. Termografia jest ekscytującym rozwiązaniem tego problemu. Kamery termowizyjne są naprawdę świetne narzędziem, aby dowiedzieć się, czy zwierzę jest zdrowe lub gdzie są zlokalizowane ogniska bólu.
To także nieocenione narzędzie przy prowadzeni naukowych prac badawczych. Kamery termowizyjne potrafią zauważyć to co jest niewidoczne dla ludzkiego oka
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Life Sciences White Papers
Download white papers to learn more about how others are using infrared technology in the life sciences field.
FLIR thermal imaging cameras allow -machines to read human emotions
Will robots ever be able to interact with humans? This may sound like a futuristic question, but scientists today are actually researching how machines can understand human emotions. Read customer success story
USDA uses FLIR camera to detect temperature differences
In their efforts to quantify water stress and study water productivity, researchers at the USDA are relying on thermal imaging cameras from FLIR Systems. Read customer success story
Renowned Russian research institute relies on FLIR to monitor temperatures in Siberian permafrost
Next to other sensing devices, thermal imaging cameras are used more and more for permafrost research and for the design and monitoring of roads and railways. Read customer success story
Thermal imaging cameras help athletes and sports enthusiasts with early observation of inflammation
Swiss practitioner and teacher Alfio Albasini has used FLIR® thermal imaging cameras for this purpose and talks about the many benefits of the technology for this application. Read customer success story
FLIR cameras help researchers study ice nucleation and ice propagation in plants
Spring frosts can be lethal to many growing plants. They can have devastating effects on agricultural production and increase consumer prices. Read customer success story
Non-contact sociologic research with thermal imaging cameras
Pure lighting pleasure. The Belgian manufacturer of architectural lighting always tries to delight its customers by combining an appealing lighting design with thorough research and development. Read customer success story
Assessing Tree Health With Infrared
The need to assess the overall health of trees is a growing requirement in property and environmental management . With the use of infrared technology, examining trees become a quick and cost efficient task. Read customer success story
FLIR Systems cameras used to monitor active volcanoes
If an infrared camera is the instrument to detect and measure hot spots, it must be the perfect tool to survey the biggest and most impressive hot spots on earth: volcanoes. Read customer success story
Hot biology: investigating the thermal physiology of birds and mammals
Wildlife researchers try to fill the gaps in our knowledge of these fascinating processes. One of the organizations that push the boundaries of our knowledge in this field is the Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine at the University of Glasgow, Scotland.Read customer success story